Wednesday, January 14, 2009

GrahaM Luber crossfire

1. Disagree I would say that our fate is not predetermined and that we have the power to change it however we so choose to do.

2. Agree I believe that power holds something in it that captures something in everyones mind. "With great power comes great responsibilities ", Uncle Ben.

3. Disagree, I can see people who would get sick of power and those that would do just do about anything to maintain.

4. Disagree depends on the crime I would say, and the severity of the crime.

5. Agree if you commit murder then you should receive what you did as a punishment.

Our fate is never predetermined and dont let anyone ever tell you differently. If your capable of making your own decisions then you can choose your own fate as well. I really hate it when people say its my fate to do what my parents want me to do live your life as you want to live it. You only live once so live your life to the fullest make the most of everything.

If you were to murder someone i think that, the penalty should be death in return. Basic Karma what goes around comes around. Or and eye for an eye, there really should never be an excuse for murder unless its in self defense. Then we few exempts there it would be permitable.

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