Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Graham Luber's Hamlet act 2 blog

1. I would characterize polonius as a schemer, he likes to use people to his advantage. He seems very over protective of his daughter Ophelia.

2. His motto is how ever you see the world in your head is how your going to interpret it into reality. I would describe myself as a pessimist cause I seem to always look at the worst of things always seem to expect them to happen. I just don't seem to have very much luck in my life.

3. Yes and no, I personally think using your daughter to see if another man likes her is kinda of messed up, but also I could see where in a strange way he is also looking our for her best interest.

4. I think he is just pretending to be insane maybe for attention. When he's around people he seems more depressed and solemn, but when he's giving a soliloquies he seems more himself and more aware of himself and more in control.

5. Because he himself is a dramatic person, I think he is going to use the play because he know it will work to test his theory on his uncle.

6. Well if they are really his friends then yes it was wrong to spy on him for his parents, unless something seriously was wrong like if he was suicidal. I'd believe Hamlet feels betrayed by his friends. I mean I would feel seriously betrayed by my friends if they had been sent by my parents to spy on my.

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