Monday, December 15, 2008

Hamlet blog act 3

1. Yes I do like the advice he gives the actors, because I believe it makes the play seem a lot more real, and convincing. My favorite actors are Johnny Depp and Val Kilmer it just seems these guys go to the extreme to get into their character and they always deliver a good performance.

2. No I dont think he crosses the line, I think that its only fair because the way the treated him, maybe he did go a little far with Ophelia. His flaws are what make him great, and that overall makes him a great character in this story. His flaws make him seem more realistic.

3. Because he is the king I think his ego gets in the way from him getting completely clean of his sins. I think he can be redeemed if he tells his wife and Hamlet and the country of what he has all done.

4. I think Harry Potter has some of the same flaws, in book 7 he could easily get the Elder Wand but decides against it. Hamlet I believe will be able to over come his inability to act instead of to think.

5. I don't believe so because only Hamlet could only see him, if he was really there I believe Gertrude would have been able to see him there also.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Graham Luber's Hamlet act 2 blog

1. I would characterize polonius as a schemer, he likes to use people to his advantage. He seems very over protective of his daughter Ophelia.

2. His motto is how ever you see the world in your head is how your going to interpret it into reality. I would describe myself as a pessimist cause I seem to always look at the worst of things always seem to expect them to happen. I just don't seem to have very much luck in my life.

3. Yes and no, I personally think using your daughter to see if another man likes her is kinda of messed up, but also I could see where in a strange way he is also looking our for her best interest.

4. I think he is just pretending to be insane maybe for attention. When he's around people he seems more depressed and solemn, but when he's giving a soliloquies he seems more himself and more aware of himself and more in control.

5. Because he himself is a dramatic person, I think he is going to use the play because he know it will work to test his theory on his uncle.

6. Well if they are really his friends then yes it was wrong to spy on him for his parents, unless something seriously was wrong like if he was suicidal. I'd believe Hamlet feels betrayed by his friends. I mean I would feel seriously betrayed by my friends if they had been sent by my parents to spy on my.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hamlet blog

My fate cries out, And makes each petty artery in this body as hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve.
Still am I call'd. Unhand me, gentleman. By heaven, I'll make a ghost of him that lets me. I say, away! Go on. I'll follow thee.(Ham,act1,sceneV, line 90, p.34) Why did I pick this, because it's when Hamlet realizes how his dad died. It's basically saying that by my own will I will go and talk to this ghost. To me this is when the plot thickens and the story really gets a going.

2. I would have to say I'm a Marcellus, why you ask because in my life time I've had a lot of paranormal experiences. Also I think that ghost are quiet real, but in a completely different sense I think you need to believe in them for you to experience things of this sort.

3. Hamlet, says Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not seems. Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, nor windy suspiration of forced breath, No, nor the fruitful river in the eye, Nor the dejected havior of the visage, Together with all forms, modes, shapes of grief, that can denote me truly. These indeed seem, for they are actions that a man might play; but I have that within which passeth show, these but the trappings and the suits of woe.
What he does, obey his mom, I shall in all my best obey you madam.
How he is described, as a good person and a good friend, Horatio: The same, my lord, and your poor servant. Marcellus: My good lord!
What other characters think of him: Laertes: Perhaps he loves you now, and now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch The virtue of his will; but you must fear, his greatness weigh'd, his will is not his own; For he himself is subject to his birth.

4. Yes I would trust the ghost advice, the ghost dose seem pretty convincing, I would most likely keep what the ghost said to me a secret cause I don't want people to think that I'm insane or something.