Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Romantic Era

1. The Romantic Era started in 1785 and it ended in 1832. As a rebellion against the rational, orderly form of Neoclassicsim. It contrasted with the fact due to it was emotion over reason, nature over human artifice.

2. King George the third his antagonistic policies toward the American colonies were directly responsible for the American Revolution. Napolean Bonaparte and the French army were defeated by the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo in 1815.

3. Thomas Gray a lifelong scholar was not a prolific poet, but the few poems he wrote reflect a combination of Neoclassical and Romantic ideals.

Robert Burns won acclaim as the national poet of Scotland. Burns avoided the formal restrained language of the Neoclassical writers and used instead his native Scottish dialect. The use of everyday speech in literature shocked some of Burn's contemporaries, but it endeared Burns to the rural and working classes.

William Blake was a poet, painter, mystic, and visionary, much of Blakes writies is an attack on a the complacent rationality and orerliness of the Enlightenment.

4. The formation of lyrical Ballads.

5. Are long stories containing elements of suspense, mystery, magic, and the macabre, with the exotic settings.

6. A novel of manners.

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