Thursday, November 13, 2008

Graham Luber Allergor writing The cave

1. To me the allegory represents that as human beings we see what we want to see. We can shape reality, to fit it as we please, and as long as we are comfortable with ourselves. Also that we are blind to the truth until it hits us in the face then it will change our perspectives.

2. Socrates is trying to say that the truth will change reality, for us as human beings were sometimes selfish and want everything to work for us. And with reality we can make it however we want it.

3. Well basically if you are learned one way, during your life and then you are showed you are a different way you would never know it was right. Basically you can go along life thinking your way is the right way until your corrected.

4. Basically they can give us a guide of lessons or morals, they can teach us things that modern day stuff can't teach us. Such as technology.


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