Friday, September 26, 2008

Graham Luber The Apostrophe

Apostrophes are you used to show ownership of something.
Drew's drum set was made of the finest maple.

Also they are used in contractions. Such as it's, wouldn't, and shouldn't
Just remember these rules.

Rule 1. Before an s if the word does not end in s.
Rule 2. After an s if the word already ends in an s.

By Graham Luber

Monday, September 22, 2008

Graham Luber sentence composing number 4

Slow, weary, his cautionary was overexcited by the horses.
Part 4.
Worldless, wet, cold, dark, windowless, hot, humid, muggy, afraid, and happy.

Endless we went our own ways.
Long, dark, and foreboding, we faced our fears and headed straight forward.
Scared of what might happen, if we left our creation alone we took matters into our own hands and set it on fire.
Part 5.
1. Nervous
2. Dazed and Confused
3. Alighted and static

Friday, September 12, 2008

Graham's Beowulf Argument Paragraph

It seems that Beowulf is more than just an incredible warrior, whose fame has reached all corners of the known world. To some you could say he is Christ like in his manner. Immutable he may seem. Savior to some, some more than others. Beowulf came to faraway lands not just for fun or for fame, or for even wealth for that matter. It was his good heart that led to where danger and wrong doings were taking part. For one instance in the book is when he travels across the sea with a ship of men to help the king of Danes in ridding themselves of Grendel. Beowulf helped their king, and with many others he aided soldiers, kings, in war and in troubled times. It seems that some people over look the fact that he could be called one of the greatest peace keepers ever.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Sentence composing # 4

1. E
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B

Exercise 2.
A. Uncomfortable
B. Uncomfortable, Kendra spotted the soft inviting sofa, hopefully.
C. Gingerly, Beowulf jumped into the blood red lake, sternly.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sentence composing # 3

1. Laughing, yelling, and celebrating, the winning team cavorted inside the locker room.
Joking and making a mess, the group of boys headed home for the night.
2. Determined she raced fast, her lungs bursting.
Unclear he elaborated, moving on very quickly.
3. Afraid, Clark walked down the alley and hoped that he was alone.
Nervous, the soldier walked into the dilapidated building hoping what he would find would not torment him.
4. The arena was full, a huge cavern, filled with fans, bright lights and excited fans.
The station was packed, a large tube, loaded with kids, who would take the train back to school.
By Graham Luber